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Art & Craft

The practice of pencil and brush offers a space of freedom and tools that do not interfere between the imaginary and its execution, and encourages the agility of creative thinking. This is how many professional projects, ideas and concepts for advertising, photography, design and fashion came to life in the form of sketches and illustrations. Personal sketches, paintings and more completes this artistic experience.
Tantum autem cuique tribuendum, primum quantum ipse efficere possis, deinde etiam quantum ille quem diligas atque adiuves, sustinere. Non enim neque tu possis, quamvis excellas, omnes tuos ad honores amplissimos perducere, ut Scipio P. Rupilium potuit consulem efficere, fratrem eius L. non potuit. Quod si etiam possis quidvis deferre ad alterum, videndum est tamen, quid ille possit sustinere.